Software Quality

Software Quality constitutes a fundamental pillar in software engineering, directly reflecting on user satisfaction, operational efficiency, and the sustainability of computer systems. This concept encompasses a range of attributes and criteria that determine how well software meets the needs and expectations of its users and stakeholders, in addition to adhering to pre-established development standards.
To understand Software Quality, it is essential to consider two aspects: internal quality and external quality. Internal quality refers to the inherent characteristics of the software’s code and architecture, including its readability, reusability, modularity, and the ease with which it can be maintained and evolved. These attributes are critical for the developers and maintainers of the system. On the other hand, external quality relates to the user’s experience when interacting with the software, covering aspects such as usability, performance, reliability, and security. External quality is often assessed through software testing and direct feedback from users.
Standards and models have been developed to assist in the evaluation and assurance of software quality, among which ISO/IEC 25010:2011, also known as SQuaRE (System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation), and CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) stand out. The ISO/IEC 25010 model, for instance, defines a set of quality characteristics, subdivided into sub-characteristics, that provide a framework for software evaluation. Such characteristics include functionality, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability.
The implementation of software quality assurance practices is a continuous process, starting in the early stages of software conception and extending throughout its life cycle. It involves the application of agile development methodologies, continuous integration, automated testing, code reviews, and other software engineering practices aimed at identifying and correcting defects early, improving development efficiency, and ensuring that the final product meets or exceeds user expectations.
In summary, software quality is not an attribute that can be added after development; it must be an intrinsic consideration at every stage of the software development process. A systematic approach to quality management is important for delivering software products that not only function as expected but also provide a satisfactory user experience, remain relevant and evolvable in the face of market demands and technological challenges.
About the Area Coordinator
Prof. Ricardo Ajax
Research Team
- Cristiane Soares Ramos - Associate Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), working in the undergraduate Software Engineering program. .
Master’s degree
- Sandro Leite Furtado. Proposal for Usability Improvement of the Interaction between User and the Brazilian Army Corporate System . Master's Thesis in Applied Computing, University of Brasília (Brazil), (2021). Advisor(s): George Marsicano . Tags: Software Quality .
Bachelor’s Thesis
- Daniel Barcelos Moreira. Web accessibility evaluation tools for elderly people: A support guide for choosing . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), (2024). Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Juliana Pereira Valle Gonçalves. Web accessibility evaluation tools for elderly people: A support guide for choosing . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), (2024). Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Caio César Oliveira. Development of an Artificial Intelligence for the Improvement of Individual Assessment in Software Courses at the University of Brasília . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), (2024). Advisor(s): George Marsicano . Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Education, Software Quality .
- Vitor Eduardo Kühl Rodrigues. Development of an Artificial Intelligence for the Improvement of Individual Assessment in Software Courses at the University of Brasília . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), (2024). Advisor(s): George Marsicano . Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Education, Software Quality .
Previous Researchers
Bachelor’s Thesis
- Gabriel Carvalho, IA-QVT - A Tool for Collecting and Processing Data on Work-Life Quality, Focusing on Usability and Accessibility . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
- Lucas Naves Cauê Oliveira, University of Heuristics - A Game to Support Learning Nielsen's Heuristics . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Gamification, Software Quality .
- Ícaro Oliveira Augusto Silva, Usability Information Extraction from App Comments on the Play Store . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos . Tags: Natural Language Processing, Software Quality .
- Caio Beleza, Issues in Software Interfaces that Lead Users to Errors and How to Avoid Them . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
- Iolane Andrade, The Use of Exploratory Testing - A Practical Application . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Verification, Validation and Testing, Software Quality .
- Rafael Pinheiro, An Approach to Support the Initiation of Software Process Improvement Programs through the Prioritization of Benefit Expectations . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- aigo Gonçalves, Support for Promoting Technical Debt Visibility . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2019 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Software Quality, Verification, Validation and Testing .
- Victor Carvalho, Impact Analysis of Programming Techniques on the Performance of AndroidTM Applications . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2015 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality, Verification, Validation and Testing .
- Ramaiane Silva, Quality in Software Process Modeling . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2014 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
- Antonio Silva Júnior, Tool Support for the Quality Assurance Process - QUASAR Software Quality and Results Evaluation . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2013 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos . Tags: Software Quality, Verification, Validation and Testing .
- Guilherme Daniel Fernandes da Silva, Software quality and population aging: an analysis based on ICT Household data . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Marilia Miranda Forte Gomes, Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Lorrayne Alves Cardozo, Software quality and population aging: an analysis based on ICT Household data . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Ricardo de Castro Loureiro, Technologies for inclusion: Metrics for evaluating web page accessibility for visually impaired people . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos, Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Nathalia Lorena Cardoso Dias, Why are already defined software improvement processes not being used by companies? A literature review . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2024 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos, Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
Current Projects
Publications and Productions
Publications (17)
- RODRIGUES PEREIRA, NAIRA RÚBIA,CELESTE, LETÍCIA CORRÊA,BARROS DE SALES, ANDRÉ,Mendes, Fabiana Freitas,BARBOSA FURIA, CRISTINA LEMOS, Usability study of a smartphone app entitled: Living with Parkinsons disease , HELIYON , 9(e17572), 2023 . DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17572 . Tags: Software Quality .
- Gabriel Carvalho, IA-QVT - A Tool for Collecting and Processing Data on Work-Life Quality, Focusing on Usability and Accessibility . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
- Lucas Naves Cauê Oliveira, University of Heuristics - A Game to Support Learning Nielsen's Heuristics . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Gamification, Software Quality .
- Ícaro Oliveira Augusto Silva, Usability Information Extraction from App Comments on the Play Store . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos . Tags: Natural Language Processing, Software Quality .
- Caio Beleza, Issues in Software Interfaces that Lead Users to Errors and How to Avoid Them . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
- Iolane Andrade, The Use of Exploratory Testing - A Practical Application . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Verification, Validation and Testing, Software Quality .
- Rafael Pinheiro, An Approach to Support the Initiation of Software Process Improvement Programs through the Prioritization of Benefit Expectations . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- aigo Gonçalves, Support for Promoting Technical Debt Visibility . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2019 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Software Quality, Verification, Validation and Testing .
- CALAZANS, ANGÉLICA,MASSON, ELOISA,PALDÊS, ROBERTO,GUIMARÃES, FERNANDO,RESENDE, KIANE,KOSLOSKI, RICARDO, Requisitos de Qualidade de Usabilidade: análise da utilização em sistemas de uma instituição financeira , in Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos 2018 , 2018 . DOI: 10.17771/PUCRio.wer.inf2018-43 . Tags: Software Quality .
- VALENCA, K. S.,CANEDO, E. D.,KOSLOSKI, R. A. D.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Proposed Data Model for a Historical Base Tool , in 11th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA) , 2016 . Tags: Software Quality .
- Victor Carvalho, Impact Analysis of Programming Techniques on the Performance of AndroidTM Applications . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2015 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality, Verification, Validation and Testing .
- Ramaiane Silva, Quality in Software Process Modeling . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2014 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
- Antonio Silva Júnior, Tool Support for the Quality Assurance Process - QUASAR Software Quality and Results Evaluation . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2013 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos . Tags: Software Quality, Verification, Validation and Testing .
- Guilherme Daniel Fernandes da Silva, Software quality and population aging: an analysis based on ICT Household data . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Marilia Miranda Forte Gomes, Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Lorrayne Alves Cardozo, Software quality and population aging: an analysis based on ICT Household data . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Ricardo de Castro Loureiro, Technologies for inclusion: Metrics for evaluating web page accessibility for visually impaired people . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos, Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Software Quality .
- Nathalia Lorena Cardoso Dias, Why are already defined software improvement processes not being used by companies? A literature review . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2024 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos, Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Software Quality .
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