Digital Transformation

The strong use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) originated in the 70s, became popular in the 90s, contributing to increased consumption, improved quality of life, and well-being of people in the information society, connected by various services of both commercial and governmental natures. In this context, terms such as electronic government, e-Government, and Digital Government emerged, along with concerns about the Digital Divide, reflecting on digital inclusion/exclusion as factors impacting the social inclusion of various populations. The impacts necessitate formulating digital transformation strategies for the involved organizations and institutions.
The Brazilian Federal Government’s Digital Public Services Transformation project involves research, development, and innovation in methodologies, models, and tools that promote the automation and digitization of public services offered by the Ministry of Economy (ME), by the Special Secretariat for Debureaucratization, Management, and Digital Government (specifically by the Secretariat of Digital Government (SGD), aiming at the transformation of federal public services. The project was established between UnB (ITRAC Laboratory of the Faculty of Gama) and the ME.
About the Area Coordinator
Prof. George Marsicano
More About the Coordinator
As another initiative, the ongoing doctoral project of Prof. MSc Ricardo Kosloski, discussing the impact factors associated with the area of software quality, on the use of e-Gov services by elderly people, a population continuously growing worldwide, as well as in Brazil.
In the Brazilian context, after a population growth peak between the 50s/60s, improvements in medicine and hygiene minimized mortality rates. Subsequently, social phenomena such as family planning, urbanization, migration flows, and the participation of women in the workforce balanced mortality and fertility rates, resulting in more modest demographic growth and consequently in the aging of the Brazilian population, following a global trend. Moreover, involving specific populations in the digital transformation process aims to give them a voice and empowerment towards achieving an e-Democracy characteristic of the information society, according to international guidelines established by works like Nothing about us, without us (CHARLTON, 2004).
Research Team
- Ricardo Ajax Dias Kosloski - Associate Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), working in the undergraduate Software Engineering program. .
Previous Researchers
Master’s degree
- Luciana Santos de Assis,
Critical Evaluation and Case Study on the Implementation of Gamification in Organizational Contexts
. Master's Thesis in Applied Computing, University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023
Sergio Freitas
. Tags:
Soft Skills,
Digital Transformation
.Gamification is a way to use game elements and apply them in real-world contexts to motivate people and create a more productive environment. Considered a tool aimed at increasing engagement, gamification can be applied across various areas, including organizational activities. This work proposes a Case Study at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), analyzing the effects of a gamification solution applied to the Innovation Macroprocess (MPI), which is responsible for managing research, development, and innovation solutions for the sustainability of the Brazilian agribusiness. The main goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of gamification in enhancing engagement, collaboration, and motivation of employees regarding the use of the Asset Management System (Gestec), a computational tool that implements part of the MPI. Initially, a study of the theoretical foundations of gamification was conducted, followed by a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to investigate the main frameworks, techniques, and effects of gamification solutions in organizational environments. Subsequently, a Case Study was initiated with the identification of the motivational profile of the target audience and the development of a project that includes the application of sixteen gamification requirements. Of these, ten requirements were prioritized and implemented for the experimentation phase, which was made available to a group of twenty-seven participants to evaluate the effects of the proposed solution. Overall, the results indicated an improvement in the motivational perception regarding the use of the system.
Bachelor’s Thesis
- Fabiana Ribas, Accessibility Analysis for Elderly People in e-Gov Services - A Case Study . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Igor Veludo Byron Corrêa, An Evolution of the Agromart Project - Open Source, Payment Methods, and Co-Farmers Management . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Green Software, Digital Transformation .
- João Rossi Paulo Rocha, Promoting Quality of Life at Work in the Public Sector - Proposal of a Web Tool to Support Data Collection for the Work-Life Quality Assessment Inventory (IA_QVT) . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Marcelo Victor de Sousa Silva, FormsGeo - A Geolocation-Based App for Social Surveys . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Requirements Engineering, Digital Transformation .
- Pedro Cella André Freitas, An Evolution of the Agromart Project - Individualized and Automated Deployment of a CSA Environment . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Green Software, Digital Transformation .
- Filipe Silva, The State of Software Maintenance Practice in Early Stage Software Startups . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos . Tags: Software Architecture, Digital Transformation .
- Laércio Sousa Júnior, Determining the Authorship Rate Within a Project Using Git . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2020 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Software Architecture, Digital Transformation .
- Luis Guimarães Jonathan Paiva, NotifiCar - App for Monitoring the Status of Cars in a City . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2019 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Software Architecture, Digital Transformation .
- Igor Ramos, Proposal of a Methodology for Map Creation in Systematic Mapping Studies Based on Knowledge Related to Ontologies . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2015 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence .
- Thiago Honorato, A Proposal for a Selection Method for CMS Systems . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2015 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Requirements Engineering, Digital Transformation .
- Rafael Ferreira dos Santos,
Evaluation of the implementation of an ITIL v3-based Service Desk system - a case study in a public agency
. Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2014
Sergio Freitas
. Tags:
Digital Transformation
.This work aims to evaluate the deployment of a Service Desk tool for IT service management in a public organization, aligning with its strategic objectives, daily operations, organizational needs, and the ITIL v3 infrastructure library. IT services are crucial for organizational activities, with management applications being integral for client access to these services. In the public sector, the increasing demand for quality service delivery emphasizes the importance of effective IT management applications to adapt to constant IT changes. The study identifies the lack of proper IT service management or flawed management as a source of service availability issues, resource overallocation, and negative impacts on IT's reputation. It focuses on the Ministry "A" scenario, highlighting the necessity for an effective IT Service Management tool, OTRS, based on Incident Management processes to improve the IT Governance Index (iGovTI). This End Graduation Work seeks to assess the implementation process of OTRS and its potential to enhance IT Service Management governance.
- Rafael Berto Pereira, From Defining Software Engineering Guidelines to the Complementary Use of ChatGPT: A Case Study of Startups in the Federal Government . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): George Marsicano . Tags: Digital Transformation, Software Engineering .
Current Projects
- Digital Transformation Project - The Brazilian Federal Government’s Public Services Digital Transformation project involves research, development, and innovation in methodologies, models, and tools that promote the automation and digitalization of public services.
Publications and Productions
Publications (29)
- MARSICANO, G. C.,CANEDO, EDNA,RAMOS, C. S.,FIGUEIREDO, R. M. C.,PEDROSA, G. V., Digital Transformation of Public Services in a Startup-Based Environment: Job Perceptions, Relationships, Potentialities and Restrictions , JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE , 30(6)(720-757), 2024 . DOI: 10.3897/jucs.106979 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- MARSICANO, GEORGE,CANEDO, EDNA,PEDROSA, GLAUCO,RAMOS, CRISTIANE,FIGUEIREDO, REJANE, Digital Transformation of Public Services from the Perception of ICT Practitioners in a Startup-Based Environment , in 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems , p490, 2023 . DOI: 10.5220/0011826600003467 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Luciana Santos de Assis,
Critical Evaluation and Case Study on the Implementation of Gamification in Organizational Contexts
. Master's Thesis in Applied Computing, University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023
Sergio Freitas
. Tags:
Soft Skills,
Digital Transformation
.Gamification is a way to use game elements and apply them in real-world contexts to motivate people and create a more productive environment. Considered a tool aimed at increasing engagement, gamification can be applied across various areas, including organizational activities. This work proposes a Case Study at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), analyzing the effects of a gamification solution applied to the Innovation Macroprocess (MPI), which is responsible for managing research, development, and innovation solutions for the sustainability of the Brazilian agribusiness. The main goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of gamification in enhancing engagement, collaboration, and motivation of employees regarding the use of the Asset Management System (Gestec), a computational tool that implements part of the MPI. Initially, a study of the theoretical foundations of gamification was conducted, followed by a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to investigate the main frameworks, techniques, and effects of gamification solutions in organizational environments. Subsequently, a Case Study was initiated with the identification of the motivational profile of the target audience and the development of a project that includes the application of sixteen gamification requirements. Of these, ten requirements were prioritized and implemented for the experimentation phase, which was made available to a group of twenty-seven participants to evaluate the effects of the proposed solution. Overall, the results indicated an improvement in the motivational perception regarding the use of the system.
- Fabiana Ribas, Accessibility Analysis for Elderly People in e-Gov Services - A Case Study . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Igor Veludo Byron Corrêa, An Evolution of the Agromart Project - Open Source, Payment Methods, and Co-Farmers Management . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Green Software, Digital Transformation .
- João Rossi Paulo Rocha, Promoting Quality of Life at Work in the Public Sector - Proposal of a Web Tool to Support Data Collection for the Work-Life Quality Assessment Inventory (IA_QVT) . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Marcelo Victor de Sousa Silva, FormsGeo - A Geolocation-Based App for Social Surveys . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Requirements Engineering, Digital Transformation .
- Pedro Cella André Freitas, An Evolution of the Agromart Project - Individualized and Automated Deployment of a CSA Environment . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Green Software, Digital Transformation .
- ERVEN, RICARDO CORDEIRO GALVÃO SANTANA VAN,DIAS, POLLYANNA C. O.,JUBÉ, DEMÉTRIUS DE ALMEIDA,CORRÊA, GEORGE MARSICANO,CANEDO, EDNA DIAS, Avaliação de Conhecimento em Engenharia de Requisitos no Startup , 2023 . DOI: 10.29327/1298356.26-11 . Tags: Requirements Engineering, Digital Transformation .
- CAVALCANTI, P. P.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Evaluation of the Change in the Quality of Reports with the Application of Gamification in a Corporative Institution , in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , p353-367, 2022 . DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-05544-7_27 . Tags: Gamification, Digital Transformation .
- FURTADO, S. L.,MARSICANO, G. C., Identification and Applicability of Additional Security Factors on the GOV.BR Digital Identity Platform , in 19th CONTECSI - International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management , 2022 . DOI: 10.5748/19CONTECSI/PSE/GOV/7034 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- MOURA, D. R. C.,MARSICANO, G. C., Proposição de Melhoria de Usabilidade da Interação entre Usuário e Sistema Corporativo , in 19th CONTECSI - International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management , 2022 . DOI: 10.5748/19CONTECSI/PSE/ESD/7019 . Tags: Digital Transformation, Soft Skills .
- Filipe Silva, The State of Software Maintenance Practice in Early Stage Software Startups . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2022 Advisor(s): Cristiane Ramos . Tags: Software Architecture, Digital Transformation .
- MARIANI, C. B.,RAMOS, J. C. C.,RODRIGUES, L. S.,KOSLOSKI, R. A. D.,FECHINE, V. M. R., Instrumento de ação pública: edital de inclusão digital para retomada das atividades acadêmicas dos estudantes da Universidade de Brasília, no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 , REVISTA DO CEAM , 7(56-78), 2021 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- YAMAUCHI, EDUARDO,MACIEL, CRISTIANO,MENDES, FABIANA,UEDA, GUSTAVO,PEREIRA, VINICIUS, Digital Legacy Management Systems: Theoretical, Systemic and Users Perspective , in 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems , p41, 2021 . DOI: 10.5220/0010449800410053 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Laércio Sousa Júnior, Determining the Authorship Rate Within a Project Using Git . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2020 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Software Architecture, Digital Transformation .
- Luis Guimarães Jonathan Paiva, NotifiCar - App for Monitoring the Status of Cars in a City . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2019 Advisor(s): André Lanna . Tags: Software Architecture, Digital Transformation .
- FIGUEIREDO, R.M.C.,SANTOS, R.R.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Governança em tecnologia de informação e comunicação para o setor público , TCU, 2018 . DOI: 9788560365272 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- FREITAS, S. A. A.,CANEDO, EDNA,SANTOS FELISDÓRIO, RODRIGO,LEÃO, HELOISE, Analysis of the Risk Management Process on the Development of the Public Sector Information Technology Master Plan , INFORMATION , 9(248), 2018 . DOI: 10.3390/info9100248 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- DANTAS, J. M.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Gestão de Continuidade de Serviços de TI: Site de Contingência , 2018 . DOI: 9788560365272 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- FELISDORIO, R. C. S.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Análise do processo de gestão de riscos na elaboração do plano diretor de tecnologia da informação PDTI no setor público , 2018 . DOI: 9788560365272 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- MARTINS, L. B.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Gestão de riscos e governança de TI aplicada à rede de comunicação governamental , 2018 . DOI: 9788560365272 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- POLETTO, J. A. R.,FREITAS, S. A. A., Identificação de riscos em fiscalizações de obras públicas realizadas pelo TCU e o papel da tecnologia da informação em mitigá-los , 2018 . DOI: 9788560365272 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- CALAZANS, ANGELICA TOFFANO SEIDEL,KOSLOSKI, Ricardo Ajax Dias,FERNANDO, G., Proposta de modelo de medições para contratação do gerenciamento de processo de negócio (Business Process Management - BPM) , Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação , 13(275-300), 2016 . DOI: 10.4301/S1807-17752016000200007 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Endo, L,MENDES, F. F.,Canedo, E. D., Supportive metrics to estimate the effort to develop Business Intelligence system , in 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) , 2016 . DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2016.7521476 . Tags: Digital Transformation .
- Igor Ramos, Proposal of a Methodology for Map Creation in Systematic Mapping Studies Based on Knowledge Related to Ontologies . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2015 Advisor(s): Fabiana Mendes . Tags: Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence .
- Thiago Honorato, A Proposal for a Selection Method for CMS Systems . Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2015 Advisor(s): Ricardo Ajax . Tags: Requirements Engineering, Digital Transformation .
- Rafael Ferreira dos Santos,
Evaluation of the implementation of an ITIL v3-based Service Desk system - a case study in a public agency
. Senior Project (Bachelor of Software Engineering) - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2014
Sergio Freitas
. Tags:
Digital Transformation
.This work aims to evaluate the deployment of a Service Desk tool for IT service management in a public organization, aligning with its strategic objectives, daily operations, organizational needs, and the ITIL v3 infrastructure library. IT services are crucial for organizational activities, with management applications being integral for client access to these services. In the public sector, the increasing demand for quality service delivery emphasizes the importance of effective IT management applications to adapt to constant IT changes. The study identifies the lack of proper IT service management or flawed management as a source of service availability issues, resource overallocation, and negative impacts on IT's reputation. It focuses on the Ministry "A" scenario, highlighting the necessity for an effective IT Service Management tool, OTRS, based on Incident Management processes to improve the IT Governance Index (iGovTI). This End Graduation Work seeks to assess the implementation process of OTRS and its potential to enhance IT Service Management governance.
- Rafael Berto Pereira, From Defining Software Engineering Guidelines to the Complementary Use of ChatGPT: A Case Study of Startups in the Federal Government . Bachelor of Software Engineering - University of Brasília (Brazil), 2023 Advisor(s): George Marsicano . Tags: Digital Transformation, Software Engineering .
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- Email for information and team contact: