A research project in partnership with IBICT and funded by FINATEC, aimed at enhancing the user experience of the Canal Ciência through the use of gamification.


This project aims to highlight the importance of understanding the field of Green Software Development and bringing it into companies.


The Brazilian Federal Government's Public Services Digital Transformation project involves research, development, and innovation in methodologies, models, and tools that promote the automation and digitalization of public services.


This project aims to extend the massive processing of a data lake using a cloud architecture, utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the provider.


A research project in partnership with IBICT and funded by FAP/DF.


Teaching project, "Human-Computer Interaction" course, an educational innovation promoted by CEDIS in the Software Engineering course at the University of Brasília


Teaching project, "Software Development" course, an educational innovation promoted by CEDIS at the University of Brasília.