CEDIS Launches Contextus Software

Contextus: An advanced AI, NLP, and ML platform at the heart of Scientific Analysis, led by CEDIS

Contextus, an innovative platform focused on the analysis and categorization of scientific information, is one of the highlights of the DFCris project . Developed through a partnership between the Center for Studies, Development, and Innovation in Software (CEDIS) and the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), with funding from the Research Support Foundation of the Federal District (FAP-DF), the platform is accessible at http://contextus.ibict.br. Professors Sergio Freitas and André Lanna, researchers at CEDIS, led the DFCris project and the development of Contextus.

Utilizing advanced research in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning, Contextus offers cutting-edge solutions for scientific data analysis challenges. “This collaboration between CEDIS and IBICT, supported by FAP-DF, allowed us to turn innovative ideas into tangible realities, like Contextus,” highlights Prof. Sergio.

The Contextus team included the active participation of talented scholars, notably André Corrêa da Silva, Milena de Faria Silva, and Renan Carneiro Batista. In the final stages, scholars Mateus and Leonardo also made significant contributions.

“The combination of CEDIS’s expertise, the talent of our scholars, and the support of partner institutions were essential for the realization of Contextus,” highlights Prof. Lanna, the general coordinator of CEDIS.

Contextus is not just an advanced technological tool; it is a symbol of successful collaboration between research and funding institutions, aiming to enhance scientific research in DF and Brazil.

For more information, visit http://contextus.ibict.br.