CEDIS Signs International Agreement

Évora, November 10, 2023

Agreement between Brazilian and Portuguese institutions aims to promote significant advances in technological and academic research.

In a significant event for the academic and technological landscape, the Center for Development and Innovation in Software (CEDIS) and the Video, Image, Speech, and Text Analysis Laboratory (Lab VISTA) at the University of Évora, Portugal, signed a Protocol of Collaboration Actions. This strategic alliance promises to pave new paths for innovative research and technological exchanges between the two laboratories and their respective academic communities.

The protocol was signed by CEDIS’s Vice-director, Prof. Sergio Freitas, and VISTA Lab’s Director, Prof. Tereza Gonçalves. Celebrated with enthusiasm by the participants, the protocol marks the beginning of a promising collaboration in various technology areas, including artificial intelligence, software engineering, cloud computing, and big data.

The Vice-rector for Research and Innovation at the University of Évora, Prof. Dr. Paulo Quaresma, expressed optimism about the partnership: “This protocol symbolizes not only the union of two research institutes but also the strengthening of academic relations between UÉvora and UnB, within the existing Memorandum of Understanding between the Institutions. We hope this collaboration leads to significant discoveries that benefit both academic communities and beyond.”

In turn, CEDIS’s Director, Prof. Dr. André Lanna, highlighted the importance of exchanging knowledge and experiences. “The partnership with Lab Vista represents a unique opportunity for our researchers and students to expand their horizons. We look forward to working together on projects that drive innovation and applied research,” he said.

The agreement includes joint research projects, exchange of academics and students, and bilateral conferences and seminars. This transatlantic collaboration is seen as an important step to increase the international visibility of both institutions and foster the development of cutting-edge technological solutions.